Campers MUST read through all policies for registration!

Brighton is an overnight camp Monday – Friday. It is NOT possible for campers to come and go during the week. The experiences and activities build upon each other and require campers to commit to coming the full five days. Please select a week that does not interfere with vacations, lessons, sporting events or reunions. Aside from emergencies, campers cannot be picked up early from camp. 

Emergencies: We understand life happens. Any emergent family event requiring a camper to arrive late or leave early (a funeral) can be arranged through the Brighton Girls Camp Presidency. A pick-up time will be arranged with the Program Coordinators around camp activities to minimize disruption to other campers and activities. Anyone picking up a camper must show a valid ID and be on the camper’s emergency contact list. 

BUNKMATES ARE OPTIONAL! Brighton is a great place to make friends. Campers may come alone or with ONE Bunkmate. Girls are placed into units of 10 girls from around the valley that they will have the opportunity to get to know. Stake, wards, groups are NOT put together in units so that campers can stretch their social skills. IF a bunkmate is requested, the bunkmate must be entered in the online registration form, and each girl’s request must match up with her bunkmate’s form(s). Many girls choose to come alone making it easier to branch out and make new friends.

If your bunkmate switches weeks or is unable to attend, we are not able to guarantee that changes can be made if it is within 2 weeks of camp as units will have already been assigned. Please contact us and we will do our best to assist you. To separate bunkmates or create new pairings, the expressed consent of the parents of all campers is required via email. Each parent must email [email protected] to confirm the change.

We cannot accommodate bunkmate changes on the day of camp. Units might be at full capacity. Supplies and space at camp have already been allotted to unit sizes. Shifting of one camper can have a domino effect on several other units. Last minute changes to bunkmate pairings do not allow time for necessary parental consent of both parties.

Staff and campers follow the dress standards found in the For the Strength of Youth pamphlet. Bring long pants for each day of camp to protect legs from bugs, crud, scrapes and tics. Yep, this is camping (ok, in cabins) and you’ll be grateful for the pants and shirts with sleeves (don’t you just hate sunburns?) and your shorts will be home waiting for your return. Wear only close-toed shoes (Ouch! Sticks and stones can cut your toes) with good tread for walking and hiking.  LONG socks will keep mosquitoes from gnawing your ankles.

​Consider a pair of leggings to wear with a knee-length dress or skirt for the Wednesday night fireside. It’s very fashionable at camp. They’ll look great with your close toed sneakers. Really! It’s a Brighton Camp fashion statement.

Brighton Girls Camp is an electronics-free camp.

Brighton Staff are phone and smart watch free, along with campers. They understand the value of being unplugged for a few days.

Any smuggled electronics will be fed to the bears or placed in a locked box for storage and returned at the end of camp. Parents, please do not encourage your young women to bring a phone to camp.

Program Coordinators and Senior Missionary Couples at Brighton always carry phones and can communicate any emergency.

Please contact Carolyn (RN)801-557-7205 OR Jody (RN) – 801-694-8371 to discuss concerns. 

Brighton Girls Camp does NOT have wheelchair-accessible cabins or bathrooms and has uneven terrain and distance between activities make the use of crutches at camp very tiresome for campers. Young women with uncontrolled diabetes or other severe physical, emotional, or mental disabilities that prohibit full participation are encouraged to consider stake camp or special needs camp instead of BGC. Local stake/ward leaders do not attend BGC with their campers, and hired BGC counselors are not trained to handle severe disabilities. Campers who come to BGC are expected to function independently and be self-care. Special needs and limitations should be noted on the online registration form.

The National Ability Center offers numerous special needs opportunities when Brighton isn’t an option.

Dietary Concerns & Food Allergies | Brighton is able to accommodate gluten free and dairy free needs. All allergy food is prepared in a designated area with specific utensils. If you have an airborne allergy, we cannot guarantee complete “allergy-free” food, since all food is prepared in the same kitchen.

Unfortunately you cannot bring your own food. We are required to follow strict Utah Health Department guidelines and do not have the storage area necessary for extra food.

Homesickness | is a common problem. Our policy is to help homesick campers stay at camp for as long as possible and will not usually call parents on the Monday campers arrive. We deal with extreme circumstances on an individual basis. If a camper’s emotional needs exceed our abilities to care for her individually, she will be sent home. Please prepare your camper to be away from home. Discuss with her things she can do to communicate and alleviate her worries.

Disabilities (physical limitations) | Camp is terraced into the side of a mountain, and campers must be physically able to independently manage the steep terrain. Campers must be full weight-bearing and are expected to participate in a moderate hike with their unit. Severe foot injuries, weight-bearing limitations, or injuries needing bandage changes are not appropriate for Brighton. If any camper experiences an injury or unplanned surgery after registering, please contact Carolyn (RN)801-557-7205 OR Jody (RN) – 801-694-8371 to discuss concerns. 

Medications | Campers must be able to administer all medications themselves. This includes oral and injectable medications. All medications must come to camp in the original container(s) labeled with dosage and instructions. For safety at camp, medications will be placed in a bag, labeled with camper name, given to their counselor, and locked up when not in use. A medication refrigerator is available as needed. Medications will be offered each morning and evening as scheduled. Legally, Brighton staff can only offer medications, and not enforce schedules. Please help your camper understand her medication needs and schedule before attending camp. Parents will be contacted regarding any health or emotional concerns that arise at camp related to medication issues.

Medical Emergencies | Should an event happen requiring EMS or medical attention at a clinic or hospital, parents will be contacted immediately in the order entered on the registration form. Brighton staff will accompany a camper to the clinic or hospital as needed. Care of the camper will be turned over to the family contact upon their arrival. Campers normally do not return to camp after leaving camp for such emergencies.

Please use the packing list as a guide. Girls are allowed four items at camp. These include a pillow, a sleeping bag, a duffle bag, and a light, school-sized backpack or sport pack for daily use for lunches or personal belongings.

Please help your camper pack light! She must carry everything herself up a steep hill. Please label everything with duct tape (if possible) with her name, stake and phone number.

​Do not send your best equipment with your camper. Brighton is not responsible for any damage or loss of luggage or gear. Please verify that you have your OWN luggage before leaving the bus area on Friday.

​Lost & Found | For any items lost at camp, first check with your Brighton Girls Camp Representative. You may also use the Lost & Found Form to email Brighton.

If they do not have your item, please contact the Brighton Girls Camp President, Kathy Mills at 801-414-7375.

Again, please label everything and double check that you have your own gear before leaving the bus area.​

Hikes | All campers will go on a moderate hike with their unit. Campers may choose to participate in more challenging hikes known as Above & Beyond, and Sunrise hike, weather permitting. Sunrise hike is windy and requires warm layers (hat, gloves and light coat) even in the summer. Please equip your camper accordingly.

Showers | Campers are responsible for their own personal cleanliness and hygiene. Campers will shower once during their camp stay. Please remind girls NOT to share brushes, hair ties or hats while at Brighton. While it’s super fun to share, lice are not! All campers are taught about and checked for headlice the first day of camp. Contact April Oaks at 801-205-5555 if your camper has been exposed to lice and we will help select a different week to attend.

Meals and snacks | All meals are served family style. Campers can choose what and how much they eat. Snacks are available between meals through their counselor, and snacks/candy are available for purchase when their unit attends the craft shack. To avoid rodents 😯 in the cabins, snacks brought by a camper must be placed in a plastic bin with her counselor.

Participation | All campers must be able to manage themselves in a group setting and not require continuous one-on-one attention from their counselor. Campers are expected to participate in all activities when able. Campers remain with their units as support if unable to participate themselves.

Crafts & Spending Money | Registration fees include one free craft and a Brighton T-shirt. Campers can bring spending money for extra crafts, T-shirts, sweatshirts, candy, and other items.​ See the Craft Shack page!

Respect for others and property | Brighton has a no tolerance bullying policy. Should a camper feel teased or bullied in any way, she is encouraged to talk to her counselor who will then address the concern with all parties involved. Bullying and disrespect that is not resolved after discussion with Brighton staff will be grounds for being sent home. Parents will be contacted and asked to come pick up their camper. Brighton does not allow camp pranks or jokes on other campers or staff. Vandalism to property is grounds for dismissal from camp.​

2024 Fees | Fees for camp are nonrefundable once turned in to Brighton. Camp fees are a donation and therefore NOT refundable. Each camper pays according to their group: Local sponsoring stakes pay $230 per camper. All other groups and individual campers pay $255 each. Short Week Fees: $170 (Sponsoring) / $210 (Independent). Fees cover transportation to and from the central bus location, lodging, meals, one craft and a Brighton Girls Camp t-shirt. 

Refunds | Brighton does NOT give refunds.

Registrations declined | Brighton reserves the right to rescind a camper’s registration for reasons deemed appropriate to protect the health, safety and well-being of our staff and campers. Brighton Girls Camp is a RUSTIC camp and unfortunately, we are not medically able to care for all levels of disability and health conditions.

Campers travel on chartered buses to and from camp. The central bus location is at the Brighton Point Ward Chapel, 3455 East Bengal Blvd (7800 South)**.

MONDAY: You should arrive & checkin at 7:30-7:45am. (Bus leaves at 8am)  |   FRIDAY: Bus returns around 12:30pm.

There is a Brighton staff chaperone on the bus with the girls each way. Please be aware that this church building will not be open for restroom or fountain use. Restrooms are available at the Smith’s across the street.

​Eat a good breakfast, ’cause our awesome bus drivers don’t allow food on the buses and lunch won’t be until noon.   Each camper will need a hat, sunscreen, and filled water bottle with her on Monday morning in her backpack. Our Brighton counselors will be waiting for campers and the fun will begin as soon as the bus arrives at Brighton. We can’t wait to see you!!!

​**Some groups coordinate with Brighton to charter a bus to come to a location in their local area. In such cases, local leaders will inform you of the time and place for Monday morning and Friday afternoon times. Leadership of that group provides a chaperone on the bus both Monday to camp, and Friday from camp.